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BS News

    Meline Dermal filler introduced in 2020 InterCHARM KOREA at COEX

    World E&I Co., Ltd. participated in the "2020 InterCHARM KOREA" held at the COEX in Seoul for four days from December 17 to 20, and presented the Meline, Admedic, and Meline Plus Dermal filler manufactured by BioStandard Co.,Ltd.. for promotional events.  


    Among the currently available filler products, Meline’s osmolality standard and pH is most similar to the human body and there is little pain during the procedure and after the procedure few side effects such as swelling, edema and erythema. 


    In particular, after the cross-linking process, which is essential to stay in the body for a long time after the procedure, a number of additional processes have been carried out for more than twice as long as the competitor's to remove the remaining cross-linker, and this is a premium product with the highest safety of no endotoxins detected.



    Not only the Meline brand, which has a high reputation around the world, but also the AdMedic brand were promoted, receiving a lot of attention and response from visitors and promoting the excellence of Korean products in the world.